Sunday, September 29, 2013

Well, I never thought I'd ever post this, but here goes.

I think I've found a new love.

I met her just a month ago, but I can't stop thinking about her. I won't name any names, but she's in one of my classes, and ever since we started talking, we've been pretty close. I just can't get her out of my mind! I still remember every detail of her, and when she invited me to lay next to her and watch her as she played her favorite computer game (the Sims), I could feel the warmth of her body hours after she left. I can still feel it...

Unfortunately, she likes somebody else. I just don't knnow what to do. I love her, but I want her to be happy, even if that means she's with somebody else...

I'm stuck...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Alright. I haven't posted for awhile now, so i decided i should go ahead and post today.

I have two very good friends (well, one good friend and one who doesn't really like me all that much) that love each other. One of them, a girl in my college class, likes a boy who has shown her kindness and has been a good friend to her. She tells me she only "likes" him, but from the way hat she talks about him, I can tell she loves him. I've been around enough lovers to know that it is more than like. It is the same for the guy. Every time she's around him, he is always looking at her, hanging on to her every word. This guy doesn't talk very much at all, but when he's talking to her, he talks more than all the other times I've seen him put together. The way he looks at her also tells me he loves her. He's usually a hard man, with eyes of steel. But when he looks at her, the tenderness is almost palpable. But the only problem is, neither one knows that the other likes them, and is afraid that if they tell the other their feelings, they'll only be heart broken.

That is a difficult situation to be in. Because of the fact that they don't know the other likes them, they're afraid of being rejected. But if they don't tell them, they will only have sorrow. Moral of the story: Just tell someone that you love them. If they are very good friends to you, then it is likely that they feel the same about you. Of course, this is not always true, so it's best to be careful. Like i said, it is a difficult situation.

But more often than not, it will work out the way you want it to.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Today, I'm gonna talk about what a soulmate is.

In life, there is always one person you are meant to be with. A person that literally completes you. Just like the yin-yang, a soulmate is a person that shares a part of your soul, while at the same time, has a piece of their soul dwelling inside you. A soulmate is a person that truly loves you no matter what happens, and loves you unconditionally. A soulmate is a person that looks past yourmistakes, looks past your flaws, and sees only perfection in you. Your soulmate is the person who will love you no matter how far apart you are, and will find you no matter how long it takes.

A soulmate is a person who will follow you to the ends of time, into death itself - and beyond. They will find you even after death has taken its toll on both of you, and will forever stay with you. A soulmate is the one person that once found will never leave you.

A soulmate is just that - a soul mate. They will spend the rest of their life with you, no matter what anybody says, no matter what they must overcome to do it... Your soulmate will do it.

Let us hope that we will all find our soulmates. And once found, cherish them forever...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ok. Well, this post, I'm gonna share my story with you.

Just 3 years ago, I moved to a little town called Cleburne, just an hour south of Fort Worth, Texas. I was...depressed at that point. I had been bullied for my whole school career, and it was starting to get to me. In fact, to be totally truthful, I was on the verge of just ending it all. It was bad, to say the least.

But that all changed the day I met Hope. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She was nice, always smiling, and was full of energy and life. At first, I didn't care. I was plagued by sorrow, even then. But soon, we became friends, and I began to think about her more and more. I'd go to school for the sole reason of seeing her smile once again, and hearing her beautiful laughter ring in my ears. Before long, she was the only thing on my mind at any given time. I was in love.

For a few months, I kept my feelings secret. I just couldn't tell her. But one day, I just couldn't keep it in any longer. I told her how I felt. And then I asked her out. Most people might think that this day would be a happy one for me. Dead wrong.

Not only did she reject me, but she also moved out of town soon afterward. I don't know why. All I know is that it hurt. Bad.

That night, the depression came again. This time, it was accompanied by a broken heart. That night, I did some things that I still regret to this day. That part of the story, though, is my burden to bear. I will not tell about what happened that night. It is my pack to shoulder.

Ever since then, I've had this broken heart. It's plagued me for years now. But no matter what, I would never trade this feeling for another, nor erase my memories of that night from so long ago. They make me the man I am today. They are a part of me. Of that, I am reminded constantly. Every time I look at my arm, I am reminded of that night. And it makes me stronger.

Now, I take strength from others love. My best friend, for example, is in love himself. Both he and his girlfriend love each other so much, it's almost tangible. She is always on his mind, and he's always talking about her. She's always waiting for another moment to share with him, and can't stop thinking about him. Their love gives me renewed strength. I enjoy seeing them so in love with each other. It helps me to keep going, fills me with hope for a better future.

Just by seeing them, I know that somewhere, some place, there is someone who is perfect for me. All I have to do is find them.

Anyways, that is my story. Please, feel free to email me your stories, or ask me for help. If I can help, I will. Of that I swear.

Good night, my friends. May love shine on in your lives.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Well, this is my first post, so perhaps I should start by introducing myself. My name is TJ Van. I live in Arlington Texas, and am going to college there. And I myself have had issues in love and relationships. I know what it feels like to have your heart broken, and I know how it feels to watch your love walk away.

This blog was made for the sole purpose of helping others. If you need advice, email me at If you need support, I'me here for you. If you have a story you want to share, again, email me, and I will tell your story and try to help you as best as I can. I am here to help you.

But first, let us define true love.

True love is wanting to do anything for the person you love. True love is the desire to protect that person from all harm, whether it be emotional, physical, or mental. True love is knowing someone's faults, mistakes, problems, and instabilities, and loving them more because of it. True love is everything. It is stronger than anything in the world. True love spans beyond space and time. It doesn't matter the distance, nor your age. true love can come at any time, in the most unexpected of places. It is stronger than even death. For when your body dies, your soul lives on, living happily with the soul of the one you love most.

True love is everything.

Please feel free to comment, or make a suggestion. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to send me an email asking for advice, or to share your story. Remember, I am here to help.