Friday, September 20, 2013

Alright. I haven't posted for awhile now, so i decided i should go ahead and post today.

I have two very good friends (well, one good friend and one who doesn't really like me all that much) that love each other. One of them, a girl in my college class, likes a boy who has shown her kindness and has been a good friend to her. She tells me she only "likes" him, but from the way hat she talks about him, I can tell she loves him. I've been around enough lovers to know that it is more than like. It is the same for the guy. Every time she's around him, he is always looking at her, hanging on to her every word. This guy doesn't talk very much at all, but when he's talking to her, he talks more than all the other times I've seen him put together. The way he looks at her also tells me he loves her. He's usually a hard man, with eyes of steel. But when he looks at her, the tenderness is almost palpable. But the only problem is, neither one knows that the other likes them, and is afraid that if they tell the other their feelings, they'll only be heart broken.

That is a difficult situation to be in. Because of the fact that they don't know the other likes them, they're afraid of being rejected. But if they don't tell them, they will only have sorrow. Moral of the story: Just tell someone that you love them. If they are very good friends to you, then it is likely that they feel the same about you. Of course, this is not always true, so it's best to be careful. Like i said, it is a difficult situation.

But more often than not, it will work out the way you want it to.

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